Marsha On The Issues

  • Inspired by the tragic loss of her brother due to Florida’s flawed healthcare system, Marsha is determined to fight for quality, accessible healthcare for all. Recognizing the critical shortages in the industry, she advocates for expanding Medicaid and implementing mandatory price transparency for common procedures and treatments from healthcare providers and insurers. Marsha's brother died from a treatable illness after losing his healthcare coverage, reinforcing her belief that healthcare is a right, not a privilege. She is committed to ensuring that no one else suffers or dies because they can't afford necessary care.

  • Marsha is dedicated to protecting reproductive rights, firmly believing that decisions about healthcare, including abortion, should be made between women and their doctors, not dictated by legislators. She is committed to expanding access to reproductive health services in Florida, ensuring that every woman has the right to make choices about her own body without government interference. Marsha will fight for policies that support women's health and autonomy.

  • Marsha is committed to tackling Florida's property insurance crisis, recognizing the urgent need for reform as residents face skyrocketing rates. Marsha is dedicated to implementing policies that stabilize the insurance market, protect homeowners, and ensure affordable coverage for all Floridians, addressing this critical issue with the urgency it demands.


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